by Melly
Here’s the email:
Hello dear, I received a letter from the dating sites with your email address and you look for a serious relationship. I look for a serious relationship with a man in the USA and soon plan to travel there. I want to find a man or a friend for a real meeting. I can send you a picture and tell you more about yourself. If you are interested in this. I’ll look forward to your reply. Sincerely Venona.
Tom’s Answer:
This is the most standard cookie-cutter email scam there is. If you write back on your husband’s behalf playing alone, she will very quickly sound in love, and then will start talking about wanting to meet. Here “she” (it may not even be a man, and may be right in the U.S.) says she plans to travel, implying she has everything set up and will be paying for the trip.
But, at some point very close the supposed date of travel she will have some kind of last minute cash flow crisis and will need money.
And this scammer could have gotten your husband’s email address completely randomly. Well, not “completely”. Somehow his email got on a bad list, but it could have been anything.
I see that the notification email address you entered here was a Yahoo email. If your husband’s email address is Yahoo it could be that Yahoo was simply hacked. It happens. It could be that he signed up for an web newsletter about “Do it yourself garage repair”.
Of course one can also get these by messing around on dating sites too (domestic and foreign), but there are many more innocent explanations.
Comments for I found this in my husbands email, what is this?
by: Melly
Thanks for responding!! This “email” has been sent to him on several chain letters. His email is AOL. He doesn’t have a dating site profile. I’ve done a thorough check. I made the mistake of acting on his behalf to her before. Now that I’ve stopped replying to her, taking your advice. She kept emailing him here and there. Asking why I haven’t been replying and I forgot about her. Almost as if she’s playing the victim. Then today, she sends this. Clearly this is all out of sync. I figured it was a scam. Just wanted to double check with a second opinion with someone knowledgeable.