Many Ukrainian women dating sites allow you to post your own online profile so that the Ukrainian women on their site can look for you, or see more about you when you write to them. If you are using the Correspondence Approach it is fairly important to have a good profile.
A good profile should normally be long enough to convey enough information to help a prospect get to know you a little, but not long enough to bore her.
You should have this profile PROFESSIONALLY translated into Ukrainian and included along with the English version. Even Ukrainian women who know English fairly well still know Ukrainian much better, so if you want to be understood, make sure to include a translated version.
An online profile on Ukrainian women dating sites should have between 250-500 words. Nearly every word processing program has a word-count feature, just use that. For reference, the main body content of the Home Page of this site has 500 words. If your profile is a much longer than that, it’s too long.
Your profile should mention your age, height (in centimeters), weight (in kilograms), your profession, hobbies, interests, if you’ve been divorced or have kids, if you smoke (how much), if you drink (how much), if you want children (or more children), if you are OPEN to children or more children (“wanting” children and “open to” children are not exactly the same). And you should try to describe your character in general.
Your profile on these Ukrainian women dating sites should include at least 3-5 GOOD pictures. By “good”, I mean the opposite of what people usually post on! Instead, your pictures should be CLEAR, crisp, recent, up-close, and ACCURATE. If your pictures don’t look like you currently look, don’t post them. Don’t post group pictures where she can’t tell which person is you. DON’T post pictures of you with a girl (unless she’s a blood relative), not even if she’s cropped out. Don’t post pictures of yourself where the camera is so distant that you are a mere speck. And you shouldn’t post ANY pictures that don’t have you in them… no sunsets, cars, dogs, trees, or flowers (unless you are in the picture with the sunset, car, dog, tree, or flowers).
And to absolutely maximize your chances of success at Ukrainian women dating sites, you absolutely MUST have at least one picture of yourself in a SUIT, ideally a PROFESSIONALLY made photo. Seriously, there is probably not one single Ukrainian woman who is not very impressed by a man in a suit. This is such an easy point-getter that you cannot afford to miss it!
Remember, if you are using the “Expression of Interest” feature some Ukrainian women dating sites offer, this is really an important part of the process that can really help save you time and money. Present yourself in the best possible light, throw in a little humor if you like, but KEEP IT REAL.
If you present yourself dishonestly in your profile you should expect the worst. Ukrainian women are not stupid… if your profile is not reflective of who you really are, they will eventually find out.
It’s funny… I often hear the rationale men offer for posting inaccurate profiles. For instance, one of the most common is for men to lie about their age. They reason that they look and feel younger than their actual age and fear that women would reject them immediately based upon a “number”.
But there’s simply no excusing this. It’s a loser any way you slice it. If a girl is truly attached to a certain preferred age range that you don’t fit, then she’s almost sure to reject you when she discovers your real age (which she WILL discover one way or another). And if the “number” is that important to her, then that’s her choice and you should respect it.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t write to women who state an age preference that you don’t match, but you shouldn’t lie about your age.
Failure to be honest about such things will ALWAYS come back and bite you in the butt. They WILL eventually find out that you lied, and then the charge against you is “DISHONESTY”, which is FAR worse than being a little older than they wanted.
*** Reviewed/Updated December 2017 ***