Beautiful Ukrainian Woman

What about Polyamory and Ukrainian women?

by Gary

(Quinlan, TX, USA)
My wife and I are Polyamorous and we are considering the option of looking for relationships outside of the states.

Would you say that, from a cultural stand point, people from Ukraine are more, or less accepting of Polyamory?

Tom’s Answer:

I had to look this up as I thought you were just misspelling “polygamy” 🙂 But I see you weren’t… So, for anyone else who hasn’t heard this word, Wikipedia defines it as “the practice, desire, or acceptance of having more than one intimate relationship at a time with the knowledge and consent of everyone involved.” (Close enough?)

I certainly cannot speak for all Ukrainians/Russians on this matter, but based on that definition I would say that it is not widely accepted in Ukraine. In almost ten years of many visits to Ukraine, reading thousands of online profiles, meeting many women, and marrying a Ukrainian woman, I have never come across this concept.

Remember, Ukrainian women generally view things much more “traditionally”… One man, one woman, children, man provides/protects, woman nurtures, cares, takes care of home, etc. AND this view includes full exclusivity.
