by Ron
Best site. And UFMA input? I did meet via Skype on UFMA however she could not speak English well nor did she have phone or computer for direct email thus I was suspect however that was one attempt.
Comments for What is the best site to obtain positive success in meeting a legitimate, real woman in Ukraine? What about UFMA?
RE: What is the best site to obtain positive success in meeting a legitimate, real woman in Ukraine? What about UFMA?
by: Tom (site owner/author)
Hi Ron
I must be slipping… What is “UFMA”?
Read the reviews on this site (“Reviews”, left margin menu bar). They’re sufficiently up to date and accurate, at least in spirit if not exact details. At the top of my list is
You’ll still need to apply some common sense in finding the good ones and weeding out the bad ones, but in my experience this site is better than most.
But I’ll be honest, if you’re really looking to meet a legit, real Ukrainian woman, sites/apps aren’t really great options. You might want to read Live in Ukraine.
Hope that helps!