I review Russian Cupid (formerly “UkrainianEuro.com”) and Ukraine Date together because they are virtually identical sites differing only in the geographical locale of their Ukrainian women clients. They are both part of the Cupid Media network of sites that specialize in international online matchmaking. You can visit these sites by clicking their banners in the right margin and below.
Russian Cupid (formerly RussianEuro) and Ukraine Date and all the Cupid Media sites offer no tour services, no letter forwarding services, no phone translation services, no gift services, etc…. none of the kinds of services that are plagued with scams. They are more of a “specialty Match.com”.
All they offer is for Western men and Ukrainian women to post profiles and to communicate through “Interest” messages and site mail messages, and instant messages. You are allowed to exchange direct contact information through the site mail system and instant messages.
And because their process is very automated, their prices are low and their database is HUGE! Russian Cupid/Ukraine Date have more active profiles of beautiful Ukrainian women than you could ever need.
And because there is no physical agency controlling all the communication between you and your Ukrainian women, these are exactly the kind of “direct connection” sites you really need if you are serious about meeting someone special, and these sites have many attractive, intelligent Ukrainian women serious about meeting someone.
The only real downside: SCAMS! That probably sounds a little contradictory since I just said that Russian Cupid/Ukraine Date does not offer the kinds of services typically plagued with scams.
Here’s what I mean… The site itself is totally legit. In my experience with them, they investigate every report of suspicious profiles and remove them immediately, and they don’t offer letter and gift services that are so plagued with scams. But because the site is so automated, scammers have figured out how to capitalize on this.
There are MANY professional scammers who use this site to harvest email addresses and begin dialog with future victims. Within HOURS of posting a full profile you WILL be contacted by scammers. And when you start contacting Ukrainian women on these sites, you WILL contact some scammers.
First, before you start dealing with any Ukrainian dating sites, you should read my page on Ukrainian Dating Scams. And more specifically you should read my page about the type of scam you will encounter at Russian Cupid/Ukraine Date: Ukrainian Scammers: Email Scams.
And I can give you a little preview of the kind of information you will find on my Email Scams page… Russian Cupid and Ukraine Date have one feature that will save you tons of time weeding out scammers. And although this feature wasn’t even designed for that purpose, it is at least 99% effective! It’s the “Viewed My Profile” feature.
In the “Viewed My Profile” list you see profiles of all the women who have viewed your full profile. The scammers ALMOST NEVER view full profiles. They don’t have time! They sign up, contact every man on the site by just clicking the “Contact Me” icon next to your thumbnail picture in a list of thousands, they paste a generic message requesting that you send your real email address. Within days or weeks you’ll start receiving emails from unknown women.
And if you contact them first, at the end of your message you should say something like “Well, you can read a little more about me if you like and view some recent photos at my full profile, and then let me know if you would like to correspond further…” If she writes back but hasn’t viewed your profile, she is probably a scammer. Your red flags should be flying high.
So when you are contacted by someone, or when you initiate contact, just look in the “Viewed My Profile” list. ANYONE SERIOUS will have viewed your full profile. Scammers almost NEVER view full profiles. For more tips like these, see the email scams page.
But assuming you can weed out the scams, these sites are great, very cost-effective ways to meet and correspond with many beautiful Ukrainian women.
But if you don’t want to be tempted by the scams or don’t want to always be skeptical about whether a girl was real or a scam, you can always try Russian-Ukrainian-Women.com where Ukrainian scammers are practically a thing of the past.
You can read my full review of Russian-Ukrainian-Women.com at Russian-Ukrainian-Women.com – Review.