Beautiful Ukrainian Woman

Travel to Ukraine

You must travel to Ukraine to meet Ukrainian women, and Ukrainian travel has many more challenges to overcome than simple domestic travel. But not to worry… it’s not really THAT difficult IF you are prepared for it.

If you are accustomed to international travel, and especially if you routinely travel to Ukraine or Eastern Europe, you won’t need much help and can just skim most of this, but everyone else should take notes (or just let this site be their notes).

Arranging Flights

First there’s the transportation… If you don’t know what you are doing (or use a travel agent who knows what he/she is doing), your round trip flights to Ukraine alone could cost you over $3000-$4000 AND you could have a HORRIBLE flight schedule to boot (many stops, long layovers, airport changes, etc.).

Fortunately for you, I’ve navigated this maze and can tell you how to avoid paying a penny more than necessary and have a nearly perfect flight schedule. And don’t think we’re talking about saving 10% here… More like 300%. Yes, with few simple tricks you can realistically turn a $3000 round trip with the ugliest scheduling you’ve ever seen into a $1000 round trip with a nearly perfect schedule! Click HERE to read more about the finding the best prices and schedules for flights to Ukraine.

Cell Phones in Ukraine

When you travel to Ukraine to meet women, you will DEFINITELY need a cell phone that will work there! If you have no cell phone, how can you call your host to tell them your aiport pickup didn’t show? Or how does your date contact you to let you know she’s running late, or had to cancel? The list goes on and on…

The problem is your U.S. cell phone probably won’t work in Ukraine or Russia unless you know a few things… and if it does work because you have some sort of an international plan on it, your roaming charges could end up being the biggest budget item for your whole trip! Typical roaming charges run $4 – $5/minute USD. But there is a way around it! Click HERE to read more about arranging an affordable Ukrainian cell phone during your trip to Ukraine.

Electricity in Ukraine

Will your electric razor work with Ukraine’s electrical outlets? Your laptop? Camera? Phone? Probably not… at least not without a few gadgets. Click HERE to learn how make your electrical appliances work with Ukrainian electrical outlets.
