An individual Ukrainian dating tour is a service offered by many agencies to help you meet Ukrainian & Ukrainian women from their city. Basically, you are responsible for getting to the Ukrainian city of your individual tour, but once you are there the agency offers an array of services that help you meet their women.
An individual Ukrainian dating tour has several advantages over group tours. First, they are almost always much less expensive. Comparing service-for-service, an individual tour can cost HALF as much as a group tour. Second, individual tours provide a context MUCH more suitable for meeting Ukrainian women and starting a serious relationship that will lead somewhere.
There are two disadvantages to an individual Ukrainian dating tour.
1) As I explain in my comparison of approaches , many Ukrainian women don’t like the idea of being on a man’s list of women to meet. It makes them feel a little “cheap”. This factor is FAR WORSE in group tours, but exists in an individual Ukrainian dating tour as well. To totally avoid this phenomenon, use the Correspondence Approach
2) As in so many areas of pursuing Ukrainian women, SCAMS are a challenge with individual tours – more so than with the group tours. I’ll discuss all the scams you could ever want to know about on another page. But remember, almost all scams are avoidable if you use common sense.
But I have been on several individual tours, all through affiliates of the The Angelika Network and always had a great time. Considering the pricing, flexibility, and options, the Angelika Network really is in a class of their own. They are network composed of many independent affiliate agencies across the former Soviet Union with standardized services and prices.
Since the Angelika Network is comprised of individual independent local agencies spread it is impossible to vouch for all of them, but I have used the services of five Angelika Network affiliates in Ukraine and have had great experiences with all but one of them (The “Alice Agency” in Poltava, Ukraine where I was screwed out of the cost of a whole trip!).
You can read more about their tours at the Angelika Network website, but there is one very useful feature included in their individual tours that isn’t explained very well on their site.
They say that included in your tour are the addresses of 25 women of your choice from their website. But what they actually provide isn’t that at all, but something much more useful…
They allow you to provide them a list of up to 25 Ukrainian women from their network in the city of your tour, your generic introduction letter, and a few pictures of yourself. Before your arrival they will show your letter and pictures to the women you listed to find out if they are interested in meeting you. If they are, the agency will start filling up your date calendar before you arrive so that you can hit the ground running.
Other agencies/networks offer similar tour services, but all fall short of the Angelika Network in just about every way.