Beautiful Ukrainian Woman

Are Ukrainian women primarily interested in American men for the Green Card and citizenship?

by Mitch

(Spokane, WA)
Question: Are Ukrainian women primarily interested in American men for the Green Card and citizenship? I mean really – why else would a VERY attractive 25-30 year old Ukrainian woman be willing to enter a relationship with a 45+ year old man?

Tom’s Answer: Surely one can find Ukrainian women with these kinds of motives, but ulterior motives exist everywhere. And from my observations, with a little common sense combined with a little guidance one stands a better chance of finding a woman with healthy motives in Ukraine than here in America… Just my jaded opinion 😉

Most of the scams and gold diggers are avoidable if you follow the advice on this site (see specifically Ukrainian Dating Scams). I also address the issue of Ukrainian women marrying just to come to America at Ukrainian Women Myths.

As for WHY very attractive young (25-35) Ukrainian women are open to Western men over 40-45 years old — well, it’s really a simple matter of supply and demand. As I mention elsewhere on this site (Why Ukrainian Women), Ukrainian women outnumber Ukrainian men, and Ukrainian men are very often unfaithful to their women, and many of them are alcoholics. This means that single, available, faithful, employed, non-alcoholic Ukrainian men in EXTREMELY short supply.

On the flipside, many Ukrainian women are more family minded than your average American woman. It’s relatively rare for a Ukrainian woman over 25 to not want a husband and children, and they know that an irresponsible, alcoholic, unemployed, serial cheater does not fit into this family picture very well, whereas a 40+ year old Western man with a stable job fits the picture quite well.

THAT is why very attractive young Ukrainian women are often open to older American men.

Does anyone else have any thoughts on this?

Comments for Are Ukrainian women primarily interested in American men for the Green Card and citizenship?

I met a very beautiful 29 year old lady

by: Anonymous

Met her on speed date she is very educated sincere and sweet. We have been sending emails to one another for over a month. In email I gave her my # and she called me. She has a job she talks about her family she sends me pictures of everyday life. I feel good about this. Am I wrong for continuing?

[Tom’s Answer:] I don’t know about “speed date”, but nothing you say here gives me any reason to worry. Are you talking about a Ukrainian woman?

I can’t see how you are wrong for continuing. Just read this WHOLE site!

P.S. For questions like this, please post them as your own post instead of as a comment on someone else’s post (click “Join in and write your own page…” instead of “Click here to post comments”.

Good post

by: Uriah Zemlak

You have a professional niche site, thank you for your awesome work! Thank you!

[Tom’s Reply:]

Thanks! And about the other thing you mentioned (not shown here), please use the “Contact Me” link on the bottom of every page.
