Beautiful Ukrainian Woman

Is it safe to Travel as American to Russia or Ukraine due to the war in 2022?

by Al


I noticed for American’s the state department has issue an advisory (highest level) to not to travel to Russia or Ukraine due to the War.

What do you think about that. I like your site, a lot of good info. How are you living as an American in 2022 in this situation.

Best Regards,

Comments for Is it safe to Travel as American to Russia or Ukraine due to the war in 2022?

RE: Is it safe to Travel as American to Russia or Ukraine due to the war in 2022?

by: Tom (site owner)

Hi Al

I would say it is definitely NOT SAFE to travel to Ukraine (especially) or Russia now.

I was living in Kyiv the day the war started, fled, and am now in the U.S. waiting for the war to end… at least mostly. My personal marker that will tell me it’s safe enough to return will be when commercial airlines offer service to the main Kyiv airport (KBP).

I do know that many Ukrainian women have sought refuge in Western Europe and America, so if you search online using some of my recommended sites you may find some in your area.

Otherwise, you’ll have to shop elsewhere for a while until the war is over.


Response back.

by: Al

Thanks Tom for your response, that’s pretty which I got from travel advisory and news. Can Russian or Ukraine women get tourist visa in these circumstances to US? (I do use one of site you suggested, it’s working fine.)


Hi Al, sorry for the delayed response! I may have missed the alert. As for Ukrainian tourist visas to US, I really don’t know. I would GUESS visas for Ukrainians are less likely, but the US has had a special program for Ukrainians, “Uniting for Ukraine”, where Ukrainian citizens who were in Ukraine when the war started are granted temporary refuge in the US if a US citizen can file an “affidavit of support” for them (basically a promise to the govt that if this Ukrainian refugee becomes an expense to the US the supporter would pay.
